My challenge within my SYAS experience was developing my skills in photography and Photoshop to complete a social photography project uses digital imaging.
I already knew a bit about photography, but I wanted to experience more and learn more about working with people and cameras. Good people skills are crucial to good social photography. Working in the studio at the gallery taught me to communicate with people and make them feel comfortable while I take their picture. I think this is a good skill to have as it makes people show their true personalities rather than guarded ones they would normally show. I also came up with a project that used both photography and digital imaging (my part d).
knew quite about Photoshop from school, but the training we did here made me think that I could play with the medium of photography as a ‘document of truth’. In other words, keep the photo realism and not stray into effects and filters. I learnt a wider range of skills rather than just adding filters, including selections, feathered edges, the layers and history tools. My part D shows how I have developed my skills in both areas as my project was focused on social photography but I used Photoshop to improve my interests in what a photograph can capture in human expression.
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